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Integrated Spiritual Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression

Integrated Spiritual Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression - Online Session through Skype or Google meet.

I am an Internationally certified Spiritual Hypnotherapist and Past life regression therapist, having membership with IPHM, UK.

We may be aware that there are blockages in life, that prevent us to live our life to the fullest.

Fears, recurring physical pain, depression, anger, guilt, lack of confidence (which others may use as a tool to control our life), disturbing thoughts, emotional problems, Innerchild wounds, traumas from current life and past life,  repeating patterns in life and relationships, repeating problems with family, friends,  colleagues etc are some of them.

Spiritual Hypnotherapy and Past life Regression, help you aquire information from your Subconsious mind.

Subconsious mind contains all the memories that has happened during this lifetime as well as our past life. These memories are memory imprints of our Soul. Hypnosis helps consious mind, to access these information from subconsious mind and help heal you. This powerful therapy with 100% result can be used to help you heal your issues in life.

During regression,  you will experience oneself as a soul in other life times. You will encounter your soul's essence which is connected to a greater Divine Universal Energy.

This miraculous therapy will help release past traumas and heart breaks, help overcome fears and anxiety, help gain a deeper understanding of the challenges in your life, help Understand relationship patterns and help create healthy patterns, help fulfill your potential and achieve success, help connect to your higher self and learn about your true self. It will help you create a healthy lifestyle, harmony and inner peace.

Amount - Rs. 8333 per session (3 to 4 hours).

Psychic reading with Tarot

This is Psychic reading with Tarot. You may ask one question related to your career/ Finance/ Love/ Relationship/ Life Purpose/ Twin flame. Reading will be the answer to that question and all doubts related to the question will be answered.



Reiki healing consists of four sessions one hour each, which helps in,

>> Enhance intuition and psychic abilities. Helps you to connect to your higher self and source energy. It helps to activate your third eye and crown chakra to help you receive meaningful guidance and important messages for your highest good.

>> Wards you off from negative energies, that surround you, psychic attacks of any kind, environmental and personal attachments that do not serve your highest good.

>> Cleans your aura, activates and balances the chakras.



You will be introduced to Reiki and will learn how to work with Reiki energy. You will be introduced to 21 days Reiki self-healing and after which you will be prepared to heal others, hands-on with Reiki. Course syllabus and details will be given, once you register for the course.


You will learn how to heal others over distance. Course syllabus and details will be given, once you register for the course.